3 Tips if Your Boyfriend is Still Friends With His Ex-Girlfriend
Boyfriend Still Friends With His Ex-Girlfriend
How to deal with your boyfriend still talking to his ex girlfriend? I’m not saying that you can’t be friends with an ex or that your boyfriend can’t be friends with their ex. I’m saying that every relationship is different and you need to know yourself. Here are my tips for dealing with a boyfriend who is still friends with his ex-girlfriend.
Let him know how you feel early
Learn about his relationship with his ex early on in the dating. See how he talks about her and make sure there are no red flags for you. Ask questions be nosy. Find out why he is still friends with his ex? There might be valid reasons. She was there during a traumatic time in his life, or they’ve known each other since childhood. You have a right after the conversation to feel some type of way about the situation. If he’s mature he should hear you out and understand where you're coming from.
Meet the Ex
If he’s adamant that no matter what he will be friends with his ex. Make plans to meet. This is where things can get weird or show red flags. If the ex avoids meeting you. Then that is an issue. If they are a friend they would have no problems getting to know you. By voiding the interaction it's a red flag. Especially if your boyfriend has hung out with them without you there. If you meet the ex, use your gut feelings to see if there are no feelings.
How they communicate
If your boyfriend was open in telling you about the friendship he has with his ex. Then he will tell you when they hang out or talk. But, he shouldn’t be telling her about big news or announcements without telling you first.
Every relationship is different. Some people have exes where they dated briefly and work better as friends. If the relationship with his ex is bothering you. He should find a way to compromise. If he values making a stronger relationship with you. He will communicate with his ex less.
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3 tips if your BF still friends with his ex.png
3 tips if your boyfriends is still friends with his ex.png
3 Tips if your Boyfriend is still friends with his ex girlfriend.png