Signs Your BF is Cheating On You
Signs your boyfriend is cheating on you. You have to get on the same page early on in a relationship on what you consider cheating. Since in this modern age of technology, there are new ways to cheat. I did apost on micro-cheating if not familiar with the term. Let your boyfriend know early on what you consider cheating. That way there are no blurred lines.
Here are five signs that your bf might be cheating. If he is doing one sign it doesn’t mean infidelity. But if he is collecting these signs like Pokemon. Then communicate with him. A stool needs at least three legs to stand on. Look for more than one of these signs to mean cheating.
They always accuse you of cheating
Pay attention if they are always accusing you of cheating. That might be a form of displacement because they feel guilty cheating on you. Everyone has encountered a shady person in their life. This person assumes everyone is dishonest. Telling you some crazy story about stealing a car and running over birds then say… "but everyone does that." The same goes for people that cheat a lot. They will be more paranoid than the average person. Thinking because they cheat, everyone does! Which is not the case.
Also, understand that they might be accusing you because of past experiences of cheating. Have a conversation if it's the case. You are not responsible for what another partner did in the past.
They spend more time with their friends than you
If you find, you're staying home a lot while he is out with friends. This could be a red flag that he’s cheating or open to flirting with other girls. This doesn’t count if he’s meeting his friends once a week to play magic cards. But if it’s been a while since you both had a date night or getaway. Yet he’s planning hangouts with friends every week - that's an issue. You can let him know you don’t mind him spending time with his friends. But you have to be a priority in the plan-making. He should be inviting you out with his friends sometimes.
If he is going out, he should be cool enough to let you know where he’s going, with who, and what time he will be home. Of course, your guy can have friends and spend time with them. But it's a red flag if it seems like he’s being secretive and hanging out with them to avoid hanging with you.
Phone use
Everyone is aware of how much time their significant other is on their phone. If you notice a change in patterns, your boyfriend becomes more secretive about his phone use. He used to leave his phone on the table, now it's glued to him. The phone is locked all the time, face down. These are signs that he might not want you to see what's up and messages that pop up on his phone.
They’re always on the phone, but when you hit them up it takes hours to respond. That's a red flag. Phone usage is a big thing to watch. Also, if he gets a second phone out of nowhere. Throw the whole man away.
Their schedule has changed
Everyone pretty much has a routine by now. You know your boyfriend's. Whether school or work. Whatever it is if a lot begins to change with their schedule, watch out. If their job never included travel and now they have work trips it could be because they’re having flings. They are working later when they’ve never had a schedule like that. These could be red flags.
They get defensive AF when you flat out ask
If you're going to ask them if they're cheating for the first time, do it in person. Not through text or on the phone. That way you can pay attention to body language and how they react. If it’s over the top, angry that you even accused them. They could be lying. Also, when they answer your question with a question instead of saying yes or no. It could be to buy time in figuring out their lie. It’s all in the performance. An Oscar-worthy one is a red flag. At the same time.
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