4 Reasons NOT to Text Your Ex During Quarantine
During self-isolation, it can start to feel lonely. Not only that but you are alone with your thoughts. This means you can give energy to your past. Put that on top of being single and it’s a disastrous combination. You begin analyzing your most recent breakup. Whether it’s fresh or a while ago. You start to wonder if it was all worth it to break up. Especially if you’re at home downing a pint of ice cream while your cat attacks your foot.
When you’re caught up in your feelings you might text your ex. In hopes of sparking what you had so, you don’t feel so damn single af during this pandemic. It’s comforting to connect to someone that knows you. They might have known you for years. Believe me, I get it there is comfort in talking with someone who “gets” you.
But and there is always a but. You did break up for a reason. No matter how much you start to wonder how they’re doing and you’re worried about them getting sick. Remember that reopening that box might not be worth it to your mental health. If you want to check on them you can stalk their Instagram.
Now do you can get a happy ending from texting an ex during self-isolation. Unfortunately, a lot of you will feel you fit the exception and not the rule. That’s ok, all relationships are not one size fits all. In fact, a lot of this will have to do with how you broke up, the circumstances, and what kind of relationship you had.
Here is why I don’t think you should text your ex during self-isolation:
False Hope
We all do it we picture how we want conversations to go or outcomes. We rarely get that because we can’t predict how people will react to situations. My dream situations have never come true. For the most part, I try to level my expectations. Before you reach out to an ex picture the best case scenario but also picture the worst. Are you okay if they don’t text you back? How will you feel? If you know you’ll be okay either way then take that chance and say hello.
Not all Happy Endings
As I mentioned some of you will spark the flame with your ex. But, some of you will come off looking thirsty. With a resurgence of all the feelings you about why you broke up in the first place. Remember this person is still the person you broke up with. Chances are those traits that lead to the breakup are still there. Be cautious in painting this person as a prince charming. Cause you might get into some drama you didn’t even want. Especially when you reach out with something cute, heartwarming, and witty. And then they ask if you’re down to break quarantine to hook up.
Be Honest With Each Other
You have to go into this situation knowing that the past will come up. Be prepared. It can only be a surface level, “how are you?” conversation for so long before you need to get to the issues that lead to the breakup in the first place.
You Might Get Your Feelings Hurt
If your plan of reconnecting with your ex doesn't work out. You’ll be at home alone mad that you gave an ex your attention and time. Everyone has an ego. We want to win. We want to feel like we came out on top. You won’t feel that way if your ex blows you off and now you’re sitting at home in your feelings.
In the end, the best way to tackle texting an ex is to not do it. Know yourself and how you will react to the situation. Remember dating apps are still a thing and if you need some validation you can take it in the form of a few right swipes.
Watch more videos on dating on my YouTube Channel.
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4 reasons to not text your ex.png