5 Signs a Casual Relationship is Getting Serious
When you begin to see someone you may begin to catch feelings and wonder if they are feeling the same. Could this casual dating turn into something serious?
As usual, the easy answer comes in communication and a conversation. But I understand that might be hard and vulnerable. That’s why I’m going to give you the signs to look out for.
Here are the 5 signs that a casual relationship is getting serious
1. They enjoy talking to you and getting deep
When you first start dating someone it’s as though you’re playing a part. The first few dates can feel like an interview process. But as you get more serious with a person so can the conversations. If conversations are going from surface level to childhood trauma and dreams. Then you might be heading into serious territory. Usually, when a person doesn’t want to get serious they will have a surface relationship with you. They’ll meet you at a party, talk about how fun the party is, and then hook up or try to hook up. If it’s getting serious then they will have no problem getting deep with you and talking. Even without getting physical or trying to hook up.
2. You meet their family and friends
When dating there is caution about meeting friends and family. Since everyone knows that those are big steps. But, if they mention that they want to meet the family. That’s a serious sign. On top of that if you meet friends and family and they introduce you with confidence and pride. Then that means that they can see themselves with you. Brownie points if the friends have heard about you before. Family is even bigger than friends. They usually save that for the people who they are considering for a relationship.
Also, pay attention to when they run into someone they know when you’re with them. If they go out of their way to introduce you, when they didn’t need to, that is a big deal.
3. The text you every day
If they don’t miss a beat with texting you every day. It might be serious. Especially if it is to talk or say hi. When I first started dating my boyfriend he texted every day. He still texts every day. When someone is serious about you. They won’t leave you on read for hours or days. They’re ready to chat because they enjoy hearing what you have to say even if you’re not hanging out. Brownie points if they remember details about your life or asks to follow up questions. That means they’re into what’s going on in your world.
4. They Talk about Future Plans
When you start to hear them say “we” and make plans like you’re going to be there in a few weeks. That's what it means. They might be hinting that they want to make it more serious and they’re feeling you out on the situation. This is a good time to encourage them or pump the breaks depending on where you stand. It’s hard to be the first person to ask the exclusive question.
An example of future plans is they have a wedding coming up in a few months and want you to be their date. That is a big deal.
5. You’ve argued and are still Dating
People in serious, healthy relationships. Aren’t going to get along on every point. They’re going to disagree sometimes. This is fine. But the difference between a serious relationship and a casual one. Is that the person is going to want to work it out and talk in a serious relationship. They won’t ghost you for even a day. It is a testament to if you value each other enough to work through a few disagreements. But KNOW YOURSELF. I’m not talking about if you like fighting and start arguments all the time. This is not about people addicted to chaos and fighting. We all know that couple.
Those are the top 5 signs that a casual relationship is getting serious. Remember that a person can do everything on my list and still not be ready. Listen to your gut and if all this is vibing with you don’t be afraid to communicate and ask. That will save a lot of time and heartbreak knowing where a relationship is going.
Watch more videos on dating on my YouTube Channel.
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